Prizes  Deadline & Costs    Poem Format     Judging   Results   Send poems to   Public reading
Israel Group of Poets
in English


The Fifteenth Annual, 2004
Reuben Rose Poetry Competition
In memory of Reuben Rose (1921-1989), former Editor and one of the founding members of VOICES Israel. Reuben Rose worked for the encouragement and promotion of English Poetry in Israel.

Deadline & Cost: All poems must be received by September 30th. 2004. Cost: 15 NIS; or US$ 5.; or STG.3.; per poem. (These currencies only, payment by cash or cheque, made payable to "Voices Israel") Receipt of submission acknowledged if accompanied by S.A.E. in Israel, or 3 IRC's from overseas.
Poem Format & Content: Preferably sent in a WORD format. General, not necessarily on Jewish or Israeli subjects. Challenging, humorous or curious poetry is welcome. Poems must not be more than 40 lines, submitted in duplicate (ONE copy without any identifying information, ) and accompanied by a cover letter giving the names of the poems submitted with your full name and address. You may enter as many poems as you wish, (payment of  $5.00 for EACH poem please.) ‘Late’ entries are automatically entered into the following year’s contest-poems are therefore never lost.

Judging: Anonymously, by Willa Schneberg of Portland, Oregon. 
She will be coming out in January '05 to give a public reading and
workshop.  She has won many prizes for her poems and anthologies and is also an art therapist and psychologist.  Willa Schneberg writes mainly poems of the Jewish experience and has been published in many prestigious magazines.
Willa's awards: The Oregon Book Award for Poetry in
2002.  2nd. prize for the Alan Ginsberg Poetry Awards and has  appeared in (a) 'Tikkun', (b) The American Poetry Review.  Her work, Bearing Witness: Teachings about the Holocaust was published by Heinemann Publishers. It has been said that; "In her unwavering search for the meaning of contemporary womanhood, Willa Schneberg compresses 5000 years of Jewish history into vivid intricate portraits...her poems act as gentle wake-up calls."
 Poems arriving after the closing date for the present annual contest are automatically entered for the following year unless the poet informs us otherwise when sending the poems and payment.

Honourable Mentions Also read out at the Public Reading

Notification: Personally, to winners only. The results will be announced by end November, 2004, and are also published in the Monthly VOICES newsletter. Winning poems are collated as a group and distributed with the annual VOICES Israel edition. 

A Public Reading of the poems is held in Israel at a special evening devoted to poetry.

Submit poems to: VOICES ISRAEL
John Dicks
P.O.B. 236
Kiriat ATA
28101, Israel

Link to Voices, the sponsoring body of the competition,
Writers of poetry in English in Israel at
Link   to  webmaster's  poetry page at
For details of Monthly meetings of the Voices groups in Israel, phone:
Jerusalem:     Mel,       at 02-6536 770
Tel Aviv    :   Mark,     at 09 5720 955 or 054 448 438
Haifa         :   Susan     at 04-8381 218 

For a free copy of the "Monthly Poet's Voice",  please email the webmaster at . 

Prizes  Deadline & Costs    Poem Format     Judging   Results   Send poems to   Public reading



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